Facing Up

28.05.2012 | Blog | BY:

For Twin VI we spoke to vanguard artist Io Tillet Wright about her project Self Evident Truths. Her black and white portraits of other-than-straight America are quickly becoming a rich online resource of strength for people who are anything less than 100 per cent heterosexual and living within communities which are less than accepting.

Having started in New York and taken her campaign to LA, Io has recently completed portraits taken in 11 cities in the Deep South.

For one night this week, all 1675 Self Evident Truths portraits from 17 cities will be on view. With strength in numbers, each portrait is an extra beat added to the pulse of Io’s campaign to see equality for all people regardless of sexuality.

With performances from MEN, Lauren Flax and Eve Ensler, this is a big moment in Io’s journey. Be sure you get down there to check out what it’s all about.

Self Evident Truths, The Hole Gallery, 312 Bowery, NYC, May 29th, 7-10pm
RSVP at selfevidentrsvp@gmail.com 

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