Requiem for a dream‏

03.06.2010 | Art , Blog | BY:

Skipping naked through a deserted library sounds like one of those dreams where you inexplicably can’t find your clothes – or in this case, an image from the deliciously subversive world of Hasisi Park. The 27-year-old Korean photographer and film-maker’s images are beautiful daydreams flecked with raw reality.

Even her website bio is a glorious faction; from 2001 when she ‘put black-eyed Susan wallpaper on the windows’, to 2009 when she ‘renounced love’. And outside of her own make-believe world she has shot for big brands like Urban Outfitters and Converse, as well as making surrealist fashion films for Seoul Fashion Week.

“My clients haven’t asked me to shoot a totally different style from what I do mostly – which is really great.” says Park. “I carry my cameras with me all the time to capture intimate scenes and moments,”she continues. “They could be described as spontaneous moments – but I prefer to call them dramatic.”

See Hasisi Park’s work on show in ‘Untouched Secrets’ at the Curzon Soho from June 3rd.


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